The 5 Best Cosmetic Treatments For Wintertime

For the best cosmetic treatments for wintertime from Youthology Medical in New York, read on.

Why Is Winter A Good Time For Certain Cosmetic Treatments?

You may not realize it, but the winter season presents a great opportunity for skin rejuvenation. The shorter daylight hours and heavier clothing keeps your skin safe from excessive sun exposure. Avoiding heavy sun exposure after skin treatments is the key to a quick healing process and better results. Here are the best ways to get your winter skin ready for spring and summer at Youthology:

  • Laser Hair Removal
  • Facials
  • Skin Tightening
  • Microneedling
  • Light Therapy

What Is Laser Hair Removal?

If you’re looking for a way to get rid of unwanted body hair without the hassle of shaving, laser hair removal is a great option. This winter beauty treatment is safe, effective, and painless. Plus, the treated area should be kept out of the sun, which is easier to manage during the winter months. So if you’re looking for a more permanent solution to an annoying problem, laser hair removal is a perfect choice.

What Are Facials?

Freshen up your skin with a luxurious facial treatment! Facials can help cleanse, exfoliate, and nourish the skin, restoring moisture and leaving you with a youthful glow. Professional facials are a quick and effective way to achieve a renewed complexion, and the best part is that you can avoid the sun in the wintertime to maximize your results. Incorporate facials into your regular skincare routine to get the best results. Our estheticians are here to address any questions you have about your skin, diet, hydration, medications, and more and will make personalized recommendations based on your individual needs.

What Is Skin Tightening?

A wide range of our body treatments can treat issues such as excess cellulite, replenish lost collagen, and restore volume to desired areas for maximum aesthetic results. These non-invasive and non-surgical treatments will reshape and tighten the skin’s collagen for a more youthful appearance. After the procedure, you should avoid sun exposure, outdoor activities, or sweaty activities such as sports or swimming. Avoiding the sun and the pool is so much easier if you do not get tempted in the summer!

What Is Microneedling?

Microneedling is a skin treatment that uses tiny needles to stimulate the body’s own supply of collagen and elastin. This results in younger, healthier, and more radiant skin. Skin needling can be used to reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and blemishes such as stretch marks, cellulite, or scars. Microneedling sessions require a rest period of up to five days. Like with any procedure, there is a rare risk of mild post-treatment symptoms including mild burning, tightness, and slight flaking of the skin. However, noticeable differences in skin structure can be seen after a few weeks. In most cases, follow-up treatments may be required to see long-term results.

What Is Light Therapy?

Light therapy is great for reducing inflammation and redness and soothing the skin. If you suffer from acne, sun damage, rosacea, scars, or wrinkles, this painless and non-invasive treatment will give you the beautiful skin you deserve. Laser treatments work by using bright light-emitting devices that send low-level light energy into the deeper layers of the skin. Phototherapy is less expensive, gentler, and a more natural solution than plastic surgery. For those who feel the effects of low temperatures or a general lack of vitamin D during the winter, this skincare treatment is incredible.

Youthology Medical in New York offers many non-invasive skin care treatments that are perfect for the long and cold winter months in Melville and surrounding communities. Our practice is intimately managed and directed by Dr. Grobman who directly trains and oversees all of our aesthetic injectors daily. We offer customizable treatment plans that align with our patient’s goals and budgets from topical and laser-based skincare to injectable facial aesthetics to injectable and laser-based body contouring. Our knowledgeable staff will be happy to answer your questions and assist you on your personal skincare journey, so call 516-817-642 for a consultation today.

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